[Journal] Wu et al. (2021) Using data analytics to investigate attendees’ behaviors and psychological states in a virtual academic conference.

Wu, J.-Y.*, Liao, C.-H., Nain, M.-W., & Cheng, T.(2021). Using data analytics to investigate attendees’ behaviors and psychological states in a virtual academic conference. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1). (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.633, Q2)
–  Special Issue on “Online synchronous conference.”


Amid the pandemic of coronavirus diseases, virtual conferences have become an alternative way to maintain the prosperity of the research community. This study investigated attendees’ participatory behavior in a virtual academic conference (TWELF2020, Taiwan) and studied the interrelationship among their mastery experience, competence, and engagement to shed light on the development of virtual conferences. Data were collected based on 602 unique IDs via their unstructured trace data and 106 respondents to the post-conference questionnaire. Ten indices were derived from participants’ unstructured logs to describe the conference-based and session-based behaviors. Study results demonstrated that virtual conferences could facilitate the extended and deepened participation of the research community, nourish the participant-centered scholarship building, and create an engaging conference environment that reflects quality experiences regarding participants’ mastery experience, competence, and engagement. The implications of the study can inform future virtual conference organizations to provide more engaging and rewarding conference experiences for participants of all gender and academic ranks.

Keywords: Pandemic, Virtual conference, Mastery experience, Competence, Engagement


在疫情中,線上虛擬會議已成為維護研究社群持續活躍的主要方式。本研究調查了疫情爆發後第一場以全線上舉辦的虛擬學術會議(TWELF2020,台灣)的參與者參與行為,並以心理量測工具測量了參與者的自覺虛擬會議參與的專業經驗、素養能力和投入度。我們檢驗了以上行為與心理量測的多模態資料之間關聯,以便為日後虛擬會議的發展提供建議與洞察。根據602個會議參與者的open ID,我們收集、清理出非結構化數位足跡數據作為參與行為資料,同時收集106名參與者的虛擬會議參與自我效能問卷回答。研究結果表明,從參與者的數位足跡中,我們得到了十個會議參與度的指標,再搭配問卷回答的驗證性因素分析與結構模型結果,此多模態學習分析框架可有效的描述線上會議中參與者行為與心力的多元面向。我們建議此類型虛擬會議的舉辦可參照此研究所創新提出的行為指標與心理工具,更精準的促進研究社群的廣泛和深入參與,滋養以專業參與者為中心的學術基礎建設,並創造一個能符合參與者專業經驗、素養能力和投入度,具有吸引力的優質虛擬會議環境。此整合了突破性會議舉辦實務的創新研究意涵,能為虛擬會議舉辦提供更完整的參與者行為與心理資訊,為不同性別和學術等級的參與者帶來更有意義的會議體驗。
